Joseph Butterfield's Portfolio and Resume Site
Full-Stack web developer specializing in JavaScript and modern front-end development
My goal is to help clients take their business to the web by automating repetitive workflows, integrating 3rd party services, and marketing their platforms to reach a global audience.
// employment-status.jslet employmentInfo = { seekingEmployment: true, location: ['Portland, OR', 'Seattle, WA', 'Remote'], roles: ['Full-Stack', 'Front-End'], technologies: ['JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'Node', 'React']}
Persist App
by Persistence Athletics
The Persist App is a full-stack CMS built for athletes, coaches, and business owners in the fitness industry. Includes a full auth workflow integrating with PostMark for email service.
The Treehouse Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree is a fully remote online bootcamp providing a comprehensive education in the basics of the JavaScript language and its use in front end user experience and back end application development with Node and Express. Learn more about the FSJS Techdegree here, or view select projects from the program below.
Library Manager
Full-Stack React/Express library application that allows user to view a list of courses, create an account, login, and create, update, and delete their own courses.
Library API
A REST API built with Express that configures responses to API requests for 'courses' and 'users' within a local database.
Library Database
A user-friendly database application built with SQL and the Sequelize ORM to create, read, update, and delete books in a database.
Express Portfolio
A simple portfolio site I built with Node.js and Express and the Pug templating engine.
About Me
I'm a native to Portland, OR and I grew up weightlifting, hiking, running, and playing board games with friends. Oh, and drinking alot of coffee.
Fitness has always been a part of my life.I have been actively involved in the CrossFit community for over 8 years, and I love handstands and cleans almost as much as I love Portland's burger week or beach days. These days, I mostly do quick, high-intensity workouts, or short lifting sessions.
I like building computers..and playing video games! I built my first PC when I was 13 years old with random parts I collected from Craigslist.I remember plugging in 128MB and 256MB RAM sticks to the same motherboard, booting it up, and thinking something smelled weird after getting Windows up and running.One of the memory sticks was actually smoking!I built my dream PC recently.After experiencing only the MacOS for about a decade, I was rudely reminded how awful the Windows UI is.I thoroughly enjoyed CyberPunk and the Witcher 3 and my favorite types of games are real-time strategy games with friends or a whole weekend playing a single game of Civ VI.
I am always learning. My current job allows me plenty of time to listen to audiobooks and podcasts.I am currently listening to Dune.My favorite podcast on all things tech is 'Syntax' with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski.I have picked up quite a few web dev tricks from listening to their show and doing their courses and I highly recommend, just about all of their courses.My current learning priorities are to better utilize and master Typescript in my applications, build more performant APIs, and better integrate 3rd party services (such as billing, communications, and scheduling).Right now, I am most excited to develop with the Blitz.js full-stack framework!and if you're a fan of Ruby on Rails, but work in Javascript land now, you should be too.